A brisk wind continued from the south against the outgoing tide, so I decided to stay close to home. Started off at the inside bank of the Broad creek bank and immediately picked up a "too close to call" Striper on the yellow twisty. Tried topwater for my second drift with no takers. Moved across the river to "Mitch's Spot" and again picked up a 17 7/8 inch on the yellow twisty. Tied on the smaller chug bug and messed around the area for 15 minutes or so before moving back across the river to the "Rock Jetty". Thought for sure there would be some Topwater action here, but no luck. Moved over to the broad creek side of the point and did a slow drift with the wind. About half the way down, I had a baby slam and had my first pesky bluefish of the year. That spells the end of the twisty's and the start of 100% TW. Peaceful night.
I currently reside on Ferry Point near Annapolis MD and fish the South River from the headwaters to the landmark Thomas Point Lighthouse. i prefer to fish in 3 foot of water or less and throw topwater plugs. Most nights the action is non stop with small resident striped bass under 18 inches. Throughout the spring and fall it is quite possible that your night will include a mid 20 to 32 inch migratory fish. I never keep fish, just pictures and this blog.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Lazy night on Lake Riva
A brisk wind continued from the south against the outgoing tide, so I decided to stay close to home. Started off at the inside bank of the Broad creek bank and immediately picked up a "too close to call" Striper on the yellow twisty. Tried topwater for my second drift with no takers. Moved across the river to "Mitch's Spot" and again picked up a 17 7/8 inch on the yellow twisty. Tied on the smaller chug bug and messed around the area for 15 minutes or so before moving back across the river to the "Rock Jetty". Thought for sure there would be some Topwater action here, but no luck. Moved over to the broad creek side of the point and did a slow drift with the wind. About half the way down, I had a baby slam and had my first pesky bluefish of the year. That spells the end of the twisty's and the start of 100% TW. Peaceful night.
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