Thursday, June 28, 2012

On a roll

and a half
one of the many 16's 
Carter and I left the marina at a little before 7. The winds were light on the river, but were blowing 10-20 knots on the bay. Despite low tide being and hour later tonight, the tanker ships had already begun to swing with the changing tide. We made a few drifts and picked up several dinks on top. After pulling the anchor several times, we finally settled in well up-tide of the rock pile. Carter was once again working a white twisty while I was locked and loaded with Papa Dogg.  We were able to make some incredibly long casts with the wind and work back over the pile. I had several blow-ups that, like last night, appeared the be keeper size fish or bigger, due to the distance from the boat. Each time I was disappointed when a 16 came along side the boat.The action was steady all night for both of us but most fish were in the 14 to 16 inch range. Right before sundown, I had a huge blow up at least 100 yards from the boat. This time the drag was screaming and I said to Carter "if this is not at least 18, then I am switching to golf". Luckily it turned out to be a very nice 22 (and a half!!!). The golf gods will sleep well tonight. Amen.
Rough conditions, but a great sunset

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