I have actually been working to make tonight happen for the past 2 months. I had taken my 1999 Parker 2520 in for a much needed facelift when she was pulled back in the fall. All winter, I could picture her sitting out on my new lift, at my dream home, looking straight down the mouth of the South River to "the spot". For some reason I have always referred to my boat as "my baby" and thus a woman. I had not seen the boat, but had talked to Chris and Harvey from Intrinsic Yacht numerous times throughout the winter. She was to get a new, "faster", Yamaha 250. The rub rails were to be replaced. The gouges from from 15 years of the wear and tear were to be re-gelcoated, and then hull was to be painted a "baby blue" color with complimenting bottom paint. When I set eyes on her last night, I knew the first part of the dream was complete. My little baby was all grown up and looked incredible. The lift had been quite a project also. Capt.Karl also owns a lift company and had installed the lift several months ago. The problem was there was no electric to the pier when we purchased the 1915 cottage that sat on the hill above the water. It has been more than a few years since
My new boat |
The dream |
we sold the "family home" and began the process of building our final resting place. So tonight when my youngest daughter,who was home for a few days, asked to head out for a little topwater action , I did not hesitate. We drove to our unfinished house and lowered my lift for the first time ever and headed out in my new boat "Mama Dog" for her maiden voyage. The night could have ended there as "a perfect topwater night", but things actually got even better when we dropped anchor at "the spot". The water was bathtub calm, air temp perfect, and a strong outgoing tide. Minutes later Grace had a nice slam and quickly boated a nice 24. It was the perfect start to what will surely be a great year.
The post above was written on May 7th, over a month ago. I had saved it as a draft, but never published.The house is still not ready and since that night we have experienced the most rain in 121 years. If it was not raining the wind was blowing 15 knots. I was only able to toss plugs on May 17th when I picked up a 20. That was it until tonight when the weather finally cooperated. I anchored at the spot at 6 pm with the tide still going out and hour after low tide. I picked up 4 quick fish in the 16 inch range on plastics before switching over to Papa Dog. I immediatly picked up a nice 20, but that was it for the night. Please let summer begin.
May 17th 20 |