It was another perfect topwater night when I left my office at 2:45. By four I was anchored up at "the spot". The water temp on the bay had dropped to 54.5 and the shallows of the river close to 53. When the temp hits 50 the catching part of fishing becomes a lot more difficult. The knowledge that the end is near made me appreciate the perfect conditions even more. A light breeze from the east against the falling tide made for a bit of chop, but basically it was perfect. Within 10 minutes, I had my first fish in the boat...a barely legal 18. Five minutes later, I boated a nice 20. Neither fish really exploded on the plug. Instead they sort of sucked it off the surface. Not very exciting, but it is November after all. That was basically it for the night. After the sun set, I realized how cold it had become. I was quite happy to pull into my slip and run for the warmth of my car.