My biggest Topwater fish ever on brand new PAPA DOGG |
I spent the last week in the Cayman Islands and was able to catch my first bonefish. Boy those bad boys are fast. I was pleasantly surprised to return to spring like temps here in Naptown. I still have not dropped the boat in, so last nights fishing was restricted to the marina dock. It was nice, but no fish to be had. I received a call from my buddy Dabs this afternoon around 4 telling me that the bay was dead calm and tide was starting to rip. I somehow made the 20 minute drive home, change clothes, grab my gear, and make it to his house by 5. I could not believe how nice it was as we headed out to the shoal. There was a light breeze, flat seas, and an air temp in the mid 70's. I had to pinch myself to remind me that it was March and a blow up was unlikely. My guide in the Cayman's had introduced me to a new plug that both pops and has a walking motion. I tied the new plug onto my heavy St. Croix and began fan casting. We basically drifted around the point trying all different depths with no signs of fish. Suddenly, like the lock ness monster, a huge body appeared behind my plug. A huge tail slap followed and it was fish on. I knew immediately this was the biggest fish of my life. As Dabs was grabbing the net, the fish came close enough for me to get a good look. She was HUGE and a second second later she was gone. Oh well, I did not have my camera anyway, so no reason to stress the fish. DANG. We continued to plug away and right before the sun set another monster slammed my plug and this time I was bringing her aboard. Luckily, Dabs was able to get a pic with his cell phone. It was a nice 34 and still my biggest ever on a plug, but a good deal smaller than the first. I will never know the size of the first, but we both agreed to call it a 38. What a great start to 2012.