I had just returned home Friday night from the O's game in the best mood. I had taken Grace and her friend Kara and they had made it onto the big scoreboard. This was a first for them (as well as me) so they were obviously excited, especially after receiving several texts from young men in the crowd who had recognized them. Little did I know how much life would change in the next 15 minutes, as a massive wind storm tore through the area. What followed was 4 days without power during one of the hottest stretches to hit Annapolis in years. I rarely, if ever, fish on a Saturday, but just had to get out of the heat, so I headed out to the point. It was a great relief and a ton of fun as 16-20 inch fish slammed my plug nearly every cast. It did not dawn on me until the way in that there had not been a single boat in sight all night. Then it hit me...LIFTS, nobody could get their boat out without power. Ahhh...I was finally vindicated for being apposed to lifts all these years. With still no power Sunday, I headed for the Jersey shore for a wonderful unplanned vacation with my wife.
With power restored, I headed out with Carter tonight at our normal 7pm time. It was 100 degrees when we left the dock and the air was just plain disgusting. When we arrived at the point I checked the tide tables which indicated a 7:40 high tide. The tide was coming in at a good pace, so I was unsure as to whether the tide had turned early or had yet to change. It turned out to be the latter I positioned the boat for an incoming tide and we went to work. As usual, Carter worked the white twisty and I my trusty Papa Dogg. Carter immediately picked up several nice 18-20 inch fish, while I had several blow ups that were on but slipped away. It was crazy good for the next half hour as we both boated numerous fish up to 22 inches. I told Carter that there had to be bigger fish lurking out there and launched one of my longest casts of the night. Just as the plug hit the water we watched a huge splash encase the plug. This was followed by a fierce run that took quite a bit of drag. After several more good runs I boated a very fat 24. Carter wanted to take a fish home to his parents so we set her aside. On the next cast he picked up a very nice 22 which was followed by my second 24 of the night. Unfortunately this fish gave little fight and was covered by sores. It was sad to see the difference in weight between the 2 fish from the same year. The one positive, is that it has been my only sick fish to date. To the Northeast of us we watched a huge thunderstorm approaching as we enjoyed a great sunset as we headed in just to be safe.
The first 24 |
Great sunset |
Healthy versus sick |
The 22 |
24 versus 22 |