Sunday, February 5, 2012


Nice Chain Pickeral
This was the 1st time in eleven years that I pulled my boat..really? I could not have picked a worse year, as it has been an incredibly nice winter. There were several stretches where I thought about calling Tri-State and dumping her back in, but the prospect of the long ride back out on the bay, just did not seem appealing. So I have basically been sitting around in my underwear, by the fire, watching way too much basketball. Every now and then, I would get the fishing bug and head down to the marina pier for some pickerel action.  Most outings have been successful with a least a couple of baby 10 inch fish. The biggest of the year was actually today, when I landed a massive 14 inch sucker. I plan to launch the first week of March. My mantra this year is "catch fish". So if that means jigging, I jig. If that means spinners, I spin. If that means topwater, then "hell yah", I plug. The two things I will never do, and I mean never , are troll or  use live bait. It's going to be a great year.

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